This user-friendly pack of verb cards is designed to help the student master the concepts and forms of the Subjunctive and Imperative modes in Spanish. These cards work well for short review
periods, and are a good resource for verbal and written language production.
•The green cards clearly contrast the verb forms and appropriate contexts for using formal (Ud./Uds.) and informal (tú) commands.
•The yellow cards feature side-by-side conjugations of 18 commonly-used verbs in the Present Indicative and Present Subjunctive. This will help the student remember the subjunctive forms that
are based on the first person singular (yo) form of the Present Indicative and those that are irregular. Sample sentences demonstrate correct usage of both modes.
•Past Subjunctive forms are based on the third person plural (ellos/ellas) form of the Preterite. This is clearly illustrated on the goldenrod cards with sample sentences and verb conjugations
that highlight the Preterite stems and Past Subjunctive suffixes.