This startling work brings something necessary to American poetry: a visceral poetics that transforms diagnosis into a performative linguistic probe in the service of the disturbed body. The
body politic's symptoms and signs are the foundation for Eleni Stecopoulos's aversive lyrics, whose beauty lies not in the unbearing of a device but in the bearing of our discomfiture in the
world and the potency of our imaginary realignments. Armies of Compassion is a talisman, antidote to what ails, spells woven against an engulfing night. Charles Bernstein
The poems of Armies of Compassion are riveting; threnodic, deeply investigative of our "hieroglyphs of breath" and body. They cut to the marrow of kinetics and philology, our psyche's doubt,
our cellular breakdowns and theatricalities, our ironies and euphemisms, our endless war, pinning evocative Latin and Greek terms to greater mythic dimension and healing ritual. Eleni
Stecopoulos is one of our deepest and most rigorous poets whose ethos and intelligence challenge and light up the mind. I am thrilled by out of what ruins and darkness and inspired lexical
examination come these rare beauties. Anne Waldman
"Philosophy never confesses / its delicate condition" writes Eleni Stecopoulos, as she lakes on the inherently vulnerable role of investigative poet, asking whether the body, personal and
politic, is irrevocably split off in its systemic afflictions. In this book Stecopoulos deploys the paradoxical force/fragility of poetry at all too familiar sites of our abjection. She does
this with historically aware wisdom and humor. Can words help, not as palliative or consolation, but as source of transfiguring energy?" Levitating girls" hover over "lines gathering / all the
intelligence" of an intellectually astute imagination steeped in, among many aesthetic legacies, that of ancient Greece, where the fact "that the god descends on creaking pulleys in no way
undermines the apparition." This poet has the guts and strategy (persistent courage) of what she calls "choric goals...waiting in the echo / for a tone," subtending towards love. Joan Retallack