Growing up in suburban Illinois, Robin Wiszowaty leads a typical middle-class American life. Hers is a world of gleaming shopping malls, congested freeways, and neighborhood gossip. But from
an early age, she has longed to break free of this existence and discover something deeper. What it is, she doesn't quite know. Yet she knows in her heart there simply has to be more. Through
a fortunate twist of fate, Robin seizes an opportunity to travel to rural Kenya and join an impoverished Maasai community. Suddenly her days are spent hauling water, evading giraffes, and
living in a tiny hut made of cow dung with her adoptive family. She is forced to face issues she's never considered: extreme poverty, drought, female circumcision, corruption and discovers
love in the most unexpected places. In the open wilds of the dusty savannah, this Maasai life is one she could never have imagined.
The Joys of Travel: And Stories That Illuminate Them
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Syria: The Desert and the Sown
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Travels With Harley: Journeys in Search of Personal and National Identity
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A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli
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Meet Me in Atlantis: Across Three Continents in Search of the Legendary Sunken City
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The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
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Travels With a Donkey in the Cevennes
$348 -
White Sands: Experiences from the Outside World
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Almost Home: Finding a Place in the World from Kashmir to New York
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Britain and the Narration of Travel in the Nineteenth Century: Texts, Images, Objects
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The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain
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Meandering: Notes of a Mississippi Riverlorian
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It’s Only the Himalayas: And Other Tales of Miscalculation from an Overconfident Backpacker
$558 -
The Japan and India Journals 1960-1964
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Revelation: A Search for Faith in a Violent Religious World
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Travels and Identities: Elizabeth and Adam Shortt in Europe, 1911
$875 -
A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli
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Eating Viet Nam: Dispatches from a Blue Plastic Table
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Rising Ground: A Search for the Spirit of Place
$963 -
Zambian Portraits