Presenting a mesmerizing picture both of British intellectual life in the 1940's and 50's and the mental, emotional, and cultural formation of a man destined to transform many aspects of
that world over the next 40 years, Episodes is both a gripping story and a vividly analytic tour de force. From early childhood in Cardiff and the valleys of South Wales to school and
adolescence in Manchester and more, the book brilliantly recaptures the formation of the young man who finally decides not to write novels but to become a scholar. First recounting, in
coruscating detail, life and work with John Pope-Hennessy at the Victoria and Albert Museum, and then narrating the debate and final acceptance of an invitation from the Warburg Institute at
London University, Episodes shows the formation of the extraordinarily learned and original mature scholar. A personal testimony, a spellbinding series of vignettes and
characterizations of famous and infamous contemporaries, and a contribution to the cultural history of the mid-20th century, this is an essential and unforgettable book.