Love... Like Snow In Florida On A Hot Summer Day is where Romeo & Juliet meets Desperate Housewives, with a dose of Girlfriends.Marriage vows are not meant to be broken and when LaDamien
Bryson took Kim Friar to be his wife he wanted so desperately to honor those vows. But when a man loves a woman he will not stop his pursuit until he has her safely in his arms and he resides
in her heart. It's when that woman isn't his wife that all hell breaks loose.In this steamy hot novel, loyalties are tested, commitment is held to the fire, and no life is left unchanged, as
three lives become intertwined in a web of lust and deceit.One man, two women, and a struggle for his undivided love sets the stage for a riveting story that will have you taking a closer look
at your own relationship and asking "what if?"Love...Like Snow In Florida On A Hot Summer Day is a tale of love, betrayal and obsession, served with a scandalous twist.