Antwerp Design Sciences (ADS) is a periodical published twice a year. It deals with a wide variety of actual themes associated with the field of design sciences. Alternate issues focus on
master's theses which are produced every year at the Faculty Association of Design Sciences (University College of Antwerp), in the fields of architecture, interior architecture, product
development, conservation of historic buildings and the landscape, and urban development and environmental planning. The second issue published each year focuses, from both a theoretical and
practical approach, on the implications of a topical theme related to various scientific fields that are characteristic of the design sciences. This includes social sciences, applied science,
technology, product development, interior studies, the conservation of historic buildings and the landscape, and urban development and environmental planning. The publications are peer reviewed
by an international editorial committee.
ADS is currently in its tenth year and preparing to publish its 20th issue. This jubilee issue is wholly devoted to the doctorates being awarded to young researchers and professors associated
with the Faculty Association of Design Sciences at the University College of Antwerp. It comprises a wide range of topics, all embedded in the specific study programmes of the various fields
associated with the Faculty Association of Design Sciences (University College of Antwerp).