Like millions of other readers and moviegoers, as a youngster the late Robert W. Fenton loved swinging through the jungle with Tarzan. As an adult his interest was revived when he bought Tarzan
creator Edgar Rice Burroughs' original office-estate in Tarzana, California, and began writing a biography of Burroughs. Originally titled The Big Swingers, it was the first full-scale,
commercially published account of ERB's life and work. Here is Fenton's 1967 biography, back in print, as a wonderful source for a new generation of readers. Burroughs' early years were far
from promising--he was dropped from school, was undistinguished as a cavalryman at Fort Grant, lost out in gold mining, and had little success as a salesman. He knew nothing about writing, but
decided to try it anyway--and created Tarzan, one of the most famous characters of all time. A new foreword by George T. McWhorter and new photographs--there are 66 in all--are included.