With Too Soon? Friedman finally (none ��oo soon,��in fact) gets his due with this fat, beautiful collection that showcases his wide-ranging skills as a portraitist and
Too Soon? is evenly split between political celebrities and show-business ones, ranging from Friedman's instantly iconic ��arack Obama as George Washington��New Yorker cover
to brutal depictions of Britney Spears and her tabloid-filling ilk.
Subjects (or targets, depending on how you look at it) for Friedman's pen on the political side include Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, and George W. Bush (with an iconic ��.
as Strangelove��image) and his gang. Entertainers include Tiny Tim, Barney Fife, Bob Dylan, Woody Allen, Oprah Winfrey, Barbra Streisand, Jerry Lewis, the Three Stooges, Ellen DeGeneres, and
Conan O'Brien. And falling somewhere in the gray area between entertainersand political players (you make the call!) Rush Limbaugh (who blasted Friedman's George W. Bush image as being of ��ow
artistic quality��, Sarah Palin, and Michael Moore.
The book will also include a running commentary by Friedman on the stories behind the drawings, including reactions from magazine editors, celebrities, and their fans. The cover is a stunning
depiction of Michael Jackson. Too soon? Nah!