There are more than 3,000 different types of cheese currently registered with the FDA, and hundreds more are made in small villages, towns, and backcountries around the world. Since the
earliest record of milk cultivation, humans have been creating new types of cheese, and today, it has become one of the most popular food items in the world. Rich, creamy, sharp, or spicy,
cheeses can add a bit of zest to any meal, and with the correct recipes and the tools needed to make your own, you can enjoy cheese made right in your own kitchen. Learning how to make your own
cheese begins with knowing the differences and necessities for each type of cheese --- and then adding a bit of your own creativity to the mixture.
This book combines 101 of the most popular, well-known cheese recipes in the world into one, easy-to-follow resource designed to help even the most unpracticed of cheese aficionados create
cheese at home. The basics of making cheese will be covered from the start, giving you a detailed walkthrough of everything you need to create your own dairy products, including equipment,
products, time, and money. You will learn the basics of food safety and which parts of the product you can use and which you must discard. You will learn the essentials of what each type of
cheese entails, including hard, soft, and Italian cheeses. With recipes gathered from top resources around the globe, you will be able to start making cheeses for yourself almost immediately.
For every cheese lover who has dreamed of making his or her own cheeses at home, this book is for you.