Flow: The Making of the Omega Center for Sustainable Living at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, New York / I

Flow: The Making of the Omega Center for Sustainable Living at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, New York / I
NT $ 1,050


Flow chronicles the Omega Center for Sustainable Living at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY. Designed by BNIM Architects, the OCSL embraces the concept of sustainable design and construction to the fullest, certifying it as a “living building” striving to have a net zero impact. Built in 2009, the Center is an anchor for the groups’ environmental efforts, and it brings together state-of-the-art energy and waste systems, efforts to work with area farms and organic growers, and a teaching facility that demonstrates local solutions to global problems. Its unique location on one of the most important watersheds in the world — the 13,400-square-mile Hudson River watershed basin — informs its dedication to water quality and responsible stewardship.
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