Blood, Guts, and Whiskey

Blood, Guts, and Whiskey
NT $ 490
  • 作者:RobinsonTodd (EDT)
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2010-05-25
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0758222688
  • ISBN13:9780758222688
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14.6 x 21.6 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


"She had an ass like a heart turned upside down and cut in half羅and that's what we call foreshadowing, friend."

Gruesome and glam, vicious and violent, this collection of the best new neo-noir fiction will hit you like a biker boot to the skull. Unleashed from the net's most hardcore award-winning site, these down, dirty, and deeply depraved tales don't just cut the edge ... they pour gasoline on it and toss it in a meth lab full of C-4...

"Just because I killed my best friend with my bare hands doesn't make me all that bad...Christ, I loved the guy like a brother."

Throw down a shot with the last word in badass羅a scheming stripper playing one fool too far; the rage-haunted lesbian who's the last word in nightmare revenge; a mercenary sheriff doomed by ruthless payback; avenging street angels unleashing holy hell 羅and just try and stagger away intact...

"This country's got a motto. It's pura vida, and it means when life gets you down, put your feet up, sister. But I lift my legs for no man."

So settle back with your favorite rot-gut, keep your brass knuckles handy, and hang where the odds are never good, darkness is a permanent state of mind, and the house always takes all...

"Lean, mean's brightest writers provide some of the darkest tales you've ever read.'-Max Allan Collins
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