The Knight Life: Chivalry Ain’t Dead

The Knight Life: Chivalry Ain’t Dead
NT $ 630


With his edgy, fresh, and yes, strange worldview, Keith Knight has brought the "funny" back to the funny pages. Irreverent, topical, and always un-PC, his syndicated, award-winning comic strip The K-Chronicles has delighted, shocked, and just plain freaked out readers across the country. In THE KNIGHT LIFE, his collection of comic strips loosely based on his life, he skewers just about every political figure and social issue we can think of (and even some we can't). From "Bush's Shadow(y)Government" and "Biff argues the positives of racism" ("If we didn't treat you folks so badly, you would've never invented the blues !!") to "If Signs Told the Truth" (Denny's: "Serving blacks since 1997"), Knight's musings on life keep readers laughing and thinking. Combining the razor-sharp edge of Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks with the irony of the Farside, this is comic satire at its finest-and most warped.
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