Medieval English Literature: Genres, Modes, Contexts
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The Manuscript and Meaning of Malory’s Morte Darthur: Rubrication, Commemoration, Memorialization
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The Relatio Metrica De Duobus Ducibus: A Twelfth-Century Cluniac Poem on Prayer for the Dead
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Prophecy, Politics and Place in Medieval England: From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Thomas of Erceldoune
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Guittone d’Arezzo Selected Poems and Prose
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Sir Torrent of Portingale
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New Medieval Literatures 17
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La Rigueur Et La Passion: Mélanges En L’honneur De Pascale Bourgain
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Representing the Dead: Epitaph Fictions in Late-Medieval France
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Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
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Chaucer’s Knight: The Portrait of a Medieval Mercenary
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Medieval Francophone Literary Culture Outside France
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The Accommodated Jew: English Antisemitism from Bede to Milton
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Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France: Translation, Appropriation, Transformation
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Language and Community in Early England: Imagining Distance in Medieval Literature
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Inscribed Power: Amulets and Magic in Early Spanish Literature
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The Interlinear Glosses to the ’regula Sancti Benedicti’ in London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. Iii,,ff.118r-163v With the Anglo-saxon
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From Literacy to Literature: England, 1300-1400
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Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities
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The Medieval Wild Man