Vampires Don’t Sleep Alone: Your Guide to Meeting, Dating and Seducing a Vampire

Vampires Don’t Sleep Alone: Your Guide to Meeting, Dating and Seducing a Vampire
NT $ 453


What girl can resist a dark, brooding, neck-nibbling boyfriend whose forbidden love adds to the intense attraction and sexual excitement? But it's not easy for a mere mortal to hook up with a vampire — unless she knows all about these mysterious creatures of the night. That's where Vampires Don't Sleep Alone comes in. The authors of this revealing book have ventured deep into the hidden world of vampire lust, romance, and sex to find answers to the questions on the lips of every red-blooded American girl. From basics like "Where can I find a cute vampire?" and "How do I get his attention without becoming dinner?" to trickier issues like "What if I want to have sex with the lights on?" and "Is his feeding cheating?," Vampires Don't Sleep Alone covers and uncovers it all. The author's clever advice, sexy tips, and proven tricks allow readers to meet, attract, and ultimately bed the vampire of their dreams.
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