This textbook for early childhood education and elementary teachers, both pre-service and in-service, challenges traditional thinking in physical education. It reviews child development and
physical skill development, and offers material to help teachers start a Movement Discovery program that allows children to assume partial responsibility for their own learning. The text
presents overview chapters and sample lessons in the curricular areas of expressive movement and creative dance, developmental games and pre-sport games, body management and educational
gymnastics, and water activities. Guidelines are included to help teachers ensure the program is physically demanding enough to develop fitness. A final chapter suggests modifications for
children with special needs. Pedagogical features include discussion topics, assignments, and personal anecdotes. The book contains about 100 b&w photos, many taken by the authors, plus an
appendix of standards. Boucher is affiliated with Towson University. Wiseman is formerly of Western Washington University. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (