Fortunately, the Milk
- 作者:Neil Gaiman,Skottie Young
- 出版社:Harper Collins USA
- 出版日期:2013-09-17
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0062295152
- ISBN13:9780062295156
- 裝訂:平裝 / 128頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
牛奶沒了,這竟然跟父親的離奇綁架案有關?鬼才大師尼爾蓋曼X美漫插畫大師Skottie Young攜手合作,打造最荒誕奇幻的冒險小說!
尼爾蓋曼曾說這本書是他寫過最怪奇荒誕的一本小說,透過插畫大師Skottie Young的妙筆,筆下的人物不但神采奕奕,而且表情生動,替這部小說注入無窮的活力,不論是大人或小孩,都可以透過簡動易懂的英文,進入這個由大師親手打造的探險世界!(文/博客來編譯)
You know what it's like when your mum goes away on a business trip and Dad's in charge. She leaves a really, really long list of what he's got to do. And the most important thing is DON'T
FORGET TO GET THE MILK. Unfortunately, Dad forgets. So the next morning, before breakfast, he has to go to the corner shop, and this is the story of why it takes him a very, very long time to
get back.
Featuring: Professor Steg (a time-travelling dinosaur), some green globby things, the Queen of the Pirates, the famed jewel that is the Eye of Splod, some wumpires, and a perfectly normal
but very important carton of milk.
The award-laden, bestselling Neil Gaiman, author of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Stardust, Neverwhere, The Graveyard Book and Coraline, brings his biggest ever publishing year to a
spectacular conclusion with this gloriously entertaining novel about time-travel, dinosaurs, milk and dads.
Neil Gaiman has written highly acclaimed books for both children and adults and is the first author to have won both the Carnegie and Newbery Medals for the same work – The Graveyard Book.
The L.A. Times has described his multi-million-selling graphic novel series Sandman as ‘the greatest epic in the history of comic books'. Many of his books, including Coraline and Stardust,
have been made into films, Neverwhere has been adapted for tv and radio and American Gods is in development as a major HBO series. He has also written two amazing episodes of Doctor Who and
appeared in The Simpsons as himself. In 2013 he published his first adult novel for seven years, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which received stellar reviews and was a bestseller around
the world.