★ 2012時尚界奧斯卡CFDA媒體大賞得主史考特舒曼 (Scott Schuman) 嚴選最新街拍作品,包括首度公開的影像
★ 舒曼在2012年西班牙PhotoEspana (國際攝影視覺藝術節),為高級皮件品牌Loewe拍攝的作品也收錄其中
★ 榮獲2012全球TOP 1人氣時尚網站The Sartorialist,改寫全球時尚街拍風潮。
★ 前作《The Sartorialist》榮登Amazon網站攝影暢銷榜Top 1
舒曼在時裝界打滾的十五年間,漸漸感到伸展台與雜誌中陳列的人事物,已無法滿足他探尋「真實世界人們樣貌」的渴望,於是開始以部落格為平台,展示在街上發掘的有型身影。他的部落格The Sartorialist每天有近20萬造訪人次,時代雜誌也將他評選為「設計界最具影響力的百大人物」。
如果單純以觀看時尚攝影的心情看《The Sartorialist》,實在浪費了這些好照片。舒曼的鏡頭銳利直接,擅長掏出人們包裹在衣服裡的獨特氣韻,這也就是為什麼《The
本書就像部落格The Sartorialist蛻變而成的有機體,不只紀錄這些未經潤飾的素人,在不經意的瞬間,留存在底片裡的身影,也保留人們「被觀看」與「看人」交互影響產生的化學作用,觀看及時尚因此變得輕巧又生動,也讓觀者慾望想像的空間無止境地延伸。(文/巧比非爾)
After the enormous success of The Sartorialist, Scott Schuman is back with a completely new collection of beautiful images of the men and women who have caught his attention.
His much-loved blog, thesartorialist.com, remains one of the most-read in the fashion world and continues to grow in popularity as Scott travels further and more widely. This book emcompasses
the diverse style and visual attitude of people as far afield as Japan, Korea, London, Milan, New York, Paris, and beyond.
In The Sartorialist: Closer, Scott Schuman looks deeper and with great breadth at human style, and the way it is expressed across the world. Always reacting to an inspirational moment, the
images in his new book continue to reflect Scott's unique sensibility and vision.