Bring Up the Bodies
- 作者:Hilary Mantel
- 出版社:Macmillan US
- 出版日期:2012-05-08
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0805096868
- ISBN13:9780805096866
- 裝訂:平裝 / 480頁 / 23.6 x 15.5 x 4.1 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
The sequel to Hilary Mantel's 2009 Man Booker Prize winner and New York Times bestseller, Wolf Hall delves into the heart of Tudor history with the downfall of Anne Boleyn
Though he battled for seven years to marry her, Henry is disenchanted with Anne Boleyn. She has failed to give him a son and her sharp intelligence and audacious will alienate his old friends and the noble families of England. When the discarded Katherine dies in exile from the court, Anne stands starkly exposed, the focus of gossip and malice.
At a word from Henry, Thomas Cromwell is ready to bring her down. Over three terrifying weeks, Anne is ensnared in a web of conspiracy, while the demure Jane Seymour stands waiting her turn for the poisoned wedding ring. But Anne and her powerful family will not yield without a ferocious struggle. Hilary Mantel's Bring Up the Bodies follows the dramatic trial of the queen and her suitors for adultery and treason. To defeat the Boleyns, Cromwell must ally with his natural enemies, the papist aristocracy. What price will he pay for Anne's head?
希拉蕊.曼特爾 Hilary Mantel
1952年生於德比郡,曾於倫敦政經學院、雪菲德大學攻讀法學。1987年,曼特爾以一篇描撰寫吉達(紅海沿岸城市)的文章榮獲「奈波爾紀念獎」。兩年後,更以英國北方磨坊小鎮為故事背景的小說《佛洛德》(Fludd)贏得溫尼弗雷德.霍爾比紀念獎、「契爾特納姆」文學藝術獎和英國南部文學獎。之後陸續出版多部得獎作品,包括榮獲《周日快報》年度小說獎、重現法國大革命恢宏場面的小說《更安全之地》(A Place of Greater Safety)、榮獲英國CBE文學獎的《超越黑暗》(Beyond Black),以及榮獲霍桑登獎的《愛的考驗》(An Experiment in Love)以及個人回憶錄《棄鬼》(Giving Up the Ghost)。
2009年出版的《狼廳》,榮獲曼布克文學獎以及全年美國書評人大獎,可謂生涯顛峰代表作。曼布克文學獎評審委員會主席諾帝(James Naughtie)評曰:「本書優秀得令人不可思議。作者用當代小說的方式講述了一個十六世紀的歷史故事,篇幅宏大,敘事細膩,語言瀟灑馳騁,場景設計巧妙,每一頁都熠熠生輝。」
Hilary Mantel is the bestselling author of ten previous novels, including Wolf Hall, which sold more than 200,000 copies and won the 2009 Man Booker Prize. Her previous works include her
novel, A Place of Greater Safety, and her memoir, Giving Up the Ghost. She lives in England with her husband.