Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
NT $ 125 ~ 132
  • 作者:CarrollLewis
  • 出版社:書林
  • 出版日期:2010-12-25
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:9574453952
  • ISBN13:9789574453955
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 144頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版




  Step through the original looking glass with Alice into a world much more complex and fantastic than you may have imagined, if you’ve only read newer abridged, watered down versions; a familiar world where old friends like the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat still live, but a world that also abounds with strange characters like the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle, who sings the song of the Lobster Quadrille performed at the edge of the sea; a world caricatured in the unforgettable woodblock illustrations of the artist and humorist John Tenniel; a vivid and enchanting world beloved by young and old alike; a place that, once visited, can never be forgotten.


  1. 文字淺顯易懂,搭配經典生動的原著插圖,深受各年齡層讀者喜愛。
  2. 書末提供重要字彙的中譯與同義字注釋。
  3. 「Understanding What You Read」閱讀理解單元,可測試英文理解閱讀能力。


路易斯.凱洛 (Lewis Carroll,1832-1898)

  本名為查爾斯.道吉森(Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),是一位數學家、邏輯學家。1850年進入牛津大學基督書院就讀,1855年任該校數學講師,直到1881年退休。他雖有口吃、個性害羞,但他喜歡文學、熱愛寫作,不論在小說、詩歌、攝影方面都有卓越的表現。工作之餘,喜歡說故事給小朋友聽;尤其他對基督書院院長利德爾的三個女兒極其鍾愛,常講故事給她們聽,後來他把這些故事寫成紙本給利德爾的長女愛麗絲(Alice Liddell),《愛麗絲夢遊奇境》的雛型就在這時定案。女主角愛麗絲就是以利德爾長女所命名,1865年他用筆名「路易斯.凱洛」正式出版了這部作品。後來又寫了一部姐妹篇,叫《鏡中奇緣》(Through the Looking-Glass),並與《愛麗絲漫遊奇境》一起風行於世。此外還著有詩集The Hunting of the Snark、Jabberwocky等作品。



How the Story Was Told…………………………………………5
1.Down the Rabbit-Hole…………………………………………17
2.The Pool of Tears……………………………………………….25
3.A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale………………………………33
4.The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill……………………………….41
5.Advice from a Caterpillar………………………………………51
6.Pig and Pepper…………………………………………………..61
7.A Mad Tea-Party………………………………………………..73
8.The Queen’s Croquet-Ground…………………………………83
9.The Mock Turtle’s Story………………………………………..93
10.The Lobster Quadrille…………………………………………103
11.Who Stole the Tarts?.................................113
12.Alice’s Evidence………………………………………………..121
An Easter Greeting to Every Child Who Loves Alice………….131
Christmas Greeting……………………………………………….134
Understanding What You Read………………………..………..141
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