For as long as the castle had stood, alchemists have struggled to make gold from the simple elements of the earth. And for as long as the castle stood they have failed. Then comes the greedy,
ambitious Spinifex, who promises the king riches and glory beyond his wildest dreams. Arthur, the alchemist's young apprentice, cannot see the point - after all gold cannot make you happy, heal
the sick, or make people love you - and he watches in amazement as the experiments grow more elaborate and fantastic. As time ticks on Spinifex becomes a man obsessed, plundering the country
for more gold to aid his experiments, even tearing the rings from people's fingers. Then, as the new Millennium approaches, Spinifex constructs his last great experiment - a monstrous machine
stretching up from the cellar through the castle to the roof. But the great gold-making machine only succeeds in destroying its creator, leaving just one tiny nugget of gold. However, gold of
another kind floods the castle as glorious sunlight rains down on the kingdom, dispelling darkness and gloom forever.