The Joy of Literature Poetry, Fiction and Drama (Revised Edition)
- 作者:Chief Editorial Advisor
- 出版社:書林
- 出版日期:2011-07-22
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:9574454169
- ISBN13:9789574454167
- 裝訂:平裝 / 406頁 / 23 x 17 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
要想深入了解文學作品、直接以原文閱讀是最好的方式,但讀者常礙於語言程度、或文本注釋過於艱澀而卻步;而The Joy of Literature即為此而生。
本書收錄有四十首詩、十二篇小說,及六個劇本,作者及作品皆為橫跨不同世紀的名家,從希臘悲劇Antigone,中世紀蘇格蘭民謠 “Lord Randall”,到莎翁的十四行詩、悲喜劇,十八世紀浪漫詩人P.B. Shelly、William Blake,一直到近代的小說家Margaret Atwood、Amy Tan……以清晰簡潔的英文介紹作註,讀者能宏觀的俯瞰文學流變,也能細膩的深入文本,一享文學之美。
每篇分為作者簡介、文本、Skill Focus、及問題討論四大部分,其中Skill Focus為本書一大特色,它挑出文本中最重要的特點,如Robert Browning的“My Last Duchess”中,討論了Dramatic Monologue;又如Henrik Ibsen的A Doll’s House中,說明何謂討論社會議題的Problem Play。Skill Focus讓讀者能了解如何詮釋文本,及認識文學術語,教師也能藉由此部分,引導學生進入文學迷人的世界,領會閱讀文學的樂趣與喜悅。
Thomas Y. H. Chen
Dr. Sanford Freedman
哈佛大學英美文學博士,曾於台灣大學外文系擔任客座教授。目前任教於Bates College英文系。
Love and Death
1. Lord Randal
2. A Red, Red Rose / Robert Burns
3. Sigh No More / William Shakespeare
4. Song / Edmund Waller
5. Come, My Celia Let Us Prove / Ben Jonson
6. Tears, Idle Tears / Alfred Lord Tennyson
7. How Do I Love Thee?Let Me Count The Ways / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
8. The Soul Selects Her Own Society / Emily Dickinson
9. Let Me Not to The Marriage of True Minds / William Shakespeare
10. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night / Dylan Thomas
11. To an Athlete Dying Young / Alfred Edward Housman
12. The Flea / John Donne
13. To His Coy Mistress / Andrew Marcell
Art and Nature
1. The Red Wheelbarrow / William Carlos Williams
2. She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways / William Wordsworth
3. The Lake Isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats
4. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud / William Wordsworth
5. Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day / William Shakespeare
6. Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley
Epiphany and Moral Choice
1. When I Was One-and-Twenty / Alfred Edward Housman
2. I'm Nobody! Who Are You? / Emily Dickinson
3. The Man He Killed / Thomas Hardy
4. The Oxen / Thomas Hardy
5. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening / Robert Frost
6. The Roads Not Taken / Robert Frost
7. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent / John Milton
Social Issue
1. The Negro Speaks of Rivers / Langston Hughes
2. Harlem / Langston Hughes
3. The Chimney Sweeper / William Blake
4. Sympathy / Paul Laurence Dunbar
5. In an Artist’s Studio / Christina Rossetti
6. The Ruined Maid / Thomas Hardy
7. Digging / Seamus Heany
8. The Unknown Citizen / W. H. Auden
Good and Evil
1. The Lamb / William Blake
2. The Tyger / William Blake
3. Uphill / Christina Rossetti
4. My Last Duchess / Robert Browning
5. Leda and the Swan / William Butler Yeats
1. Ex Poser / Paul Jennings
2. Reunion / John Cheever
3. Happy Endings / Margaret Atwood
4. Cat in the Rain / Ernest Hemingway
5. The Story of an Hour / Kate Chopin
6. The Gift of the Magi / O. Henry
7. Araby / James Joyce
8. The Jewelry / Guy de Maupassant
9. A & P / John Updike
10. The Lottery / Shirley Jackson
11. A Pair of Tickets / Amy Tan
1. From Antigone / Sophocles
2. From Julius Caesar / William Shakespeare
3. From Romeo & Juliet / William Shakespeare
4. From A Doll’s House / Henrik Ibsen
5. From Death of a Salesman / Arthur Miller
6. Trifles / Susan Glaspell