The Testament of Jessie Lamb
- 作者:Jane Rogers
- 出版日期:2011-02-25
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1905207581
- ISBN13:9781905207589
- 裝訂:平裝 / 272頁 / 19.6 x 12.8 x 2.2 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
Women are dying in their millions. Some blame scientists, some see the hand of God, some see human arrogance reaping the punishment it deserves. Jessie Lamb is an ordinary girl living in extraordinary times: as her world collapses, her idealism and courage drive her towards the ultimate act of heroism. If the human race is to survive, it s up to her. But is Jessie heroic? Or is she, as her father fears, impressionable, innocent, incapable of understanding where her actions will lead? Set just a month or two in the future, in a world irreparably altered by an act of biological terrorism, The Testament of Jessie Lamb explores a young woman s determination to make her life count for something, as the certainties of her childhood are ripped apart.
Jane Rogers has written eight novels including Her living Image (Somerset Maugham Award), Mr Wroe s Virgins, Promised Lands (Writers Guild Best Novel Award), Island (Orange long-listed), and The Voyage Home. Both Island and Mr Wroe s Virgins were selected as New York Times Notable Books . Her novels have been translated into German, Dutch, French, and Hebrew. She has written drama for radio and TV, including an award-winning adaptation of Mr Wroe s Virgins, directed by Danny Boyle. Her radio work includes both original drama and Classic Serial adaptations. She has taught writing at the University of Adelaide, Paris Sorbonne IV, and on a radio-writing project in Eastern Uganda. She is Professor of Writing at Sheffield Hallam University, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. She lives on the edge of the moors in Lancashire.