A Bit Lost
- 作者:Chris Haughton
- 出版社:Walker Books Ltd.
- 出版日期:2011-05-05
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1406333832
- ISBN13:9781406333831
- 裝訂:平裝 / 32頁 / 26 x 25 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
Little Owl must be more careful when he is sleeping... Uh-oh! He has fallen from his nest, and with a bump he lands on the ground. Where is his mummy? With the earnest assistance of his new friend Squirrel, Little Owl sets off in search of her, and meets a sequence of other animals. Yet while one might have his mummy’s BIG EYES, and another her POINTY EARS, they are simply not her. Chris Haughton’s striking colour illustrations follow Little Owl on his quest. Which of his new friends will lead him back to his mummy?
克里斯霍頓 (Chris Haughton)
來自愛爾蘭的克里斯霍頓,兼具了插畫家與設計師的身分。他曾為《衛報》、《獨立報》以及其他出版機構繪製插畫。2007年,他為公平交易協會設計的圖樣,被《時代》雜誌選入「百大設計」(The Design 100 of Times)。
《小小迷路》是克里斯霍頓第一本童書創作,深受各國評審青睞,不但入圍英國凱特格林威大獎,更陸續拿下多國童書獎項,如:英國插畫協會最佳童書類金獎、英國劍橋兒童圖畫書獎、愛爾蘭童書畫家協會金獎、愛爾蘭畢斯豆(Bisto)年度繪本獎等榮譽。《小小迷路》出版後,霍頓也不斷收到讀者回饋,令他非常感動,因此時常在個人部落格上與讀者互動,分享創作經歷。想知道霍頓的最創作和消息嗎?歡迎連結克里斯霍頓的部落格 →chrishaughton.com/
Chris Haughton is a freelance illustrator and designer from Ireland. He has been working in London as an illustrator for the past five years. He is well known for his work with Fair Trade and People Tree.