Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants
NT $ 384
  • 作者:Sara Gruen
  • 出版社:Hodder&Stoughton
  • 出版日期:2011-03-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1444715984
  • ISBN13:9781444715989
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 448頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版







  Nonagenarian Jacob Jankowski reflects back on his wild and wondrous days with a circus. It’s the Depression Era and Jacob, finding himself parentless and penniless, joins the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. There he meets the freaks, grafters, and misfits that populate this world. He introduces us to Marlena, beautiful star of the equestrian act; to August, her charismatic but twisted husband (and the circus’s animal trainer); and to Rosie, the seemingly unattainable elephant Jacob cares for. Beautifully written, with a luminous sense of time and place, Water for Elephants tells of love in a world in which love’s a luxury few can afford.


莎拉.格魯恩(Sara Gruen)

  對動物有著莫名的狂熱,先前出版過兩本與馬有關的書Riding Lessons、Flying Changes都廣受歡迎。書中很多的角色都是根據真實人物為藍本,故事背景則是根據1930年代的巡迴馬戲團。她現與丈夫、三名子女、四隻貓、兩頭羊、 兩條狗、一匹馬同住在芝加哥北部的環保社區。

  SARA GRUEN is the best selling author of Riding Lessons and Water for Elephants. She is an animal lover who lives with her husband, three children, five cats, two goats, a dog, and a horse in an environmentalist community north of Chicago.

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