
NT $ 494
  • 作者:Cormac McCarthy
  • 出版社:Macmillan UK
  • 出版日期:2010-01-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0330511238
  • ISBN13:9780330511230
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 480頁 / 19.6 x 13 x 4.2 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  This compelling novel has as its protagonist Cornelius Suttree, living alone and in exile in a disintegrating houseboat on the wrong side of the Tennessee River close by Knoxville. He stays at the edge of an outcast community inhabited by eccentrics, criminals and the poverty-stricken. Rising above the physical and human squalor around him, his detachment and wry humor enable him to survive dereliction and destitution with dignity.

  '"Suttree" contains a humor that is Faulknerian in its gentle wryness, and a freakish imaginative flair reminiscent of Flannery O'Connor' - "Times Literary Supplement".

  '"Suttree" marks McCarthy's closest approach to autobiography and is probably the funniest and most unbearably sad of his books' - Stanley Booth.

  'The book comes at us like a horrifying flood. The language licks, batters, wounds - a poetic, troubled rush of debris ...Cormac McCarthy has little mercy to spare, for his characters or himself. His text is broken, beautiful and ugly in spots..."Suttree" is like a good, long scream in the ear' - Jerome Charyn, "New York Times".


戈馬克.麥卡錫Cormac McCarthy(1933.7.20-)

  一九三三年於美國羅德島出生,原名查爾斯.麥卡錫(Charles McCarthy)。曾獲詹姆斯泰特布萊克紀念文學獎(英國歷史最悠久之文學獎)、美國國家書卷獎、美國國家書評人獎、普立茲文學獎、鵝毛筆獎等眾多獎 項,被譽為是海明威與福克納的唯一後繼者。

  一九六五年於藍燈書屋出版第一本小說The Orchard Keeper(此書編輯正是與福克納長期合作的Albert Erskine),其後陸續出版Outer Dark、Child of God、Suttree等,皆獲好評。

  一九八五年出版的《血色子午線》(Blood Meridian)為麥卡錫創作生涯的轉捩點。此書開啟了麥卡錫往後以美國西部為創作背景的一系列作品。一九九二年出版的「邊境三部曲(Border Trilogy)」首卷《所有漂亮的馬》(All the Pretty Horses),獲得大眾讀者的廣泛注意,將麥卡錫推向暢銷作家之林。生性低調的他,也在此時首度接受媒體專訪。二○○六年,《紐約時報》將「邊境三部 曲」列為美國近二十五年來最優秀的小說作品;大受矚目之新作《長路》獲詹姆斯泰特布萊克紀念文學獎、普立茲小說獎、美國鵝毛筆獎,並由數十家 國際媒體及歐 普拉讀書俱樂部選為好書。

  二○○八年,由《險路》(No Country for Old Men)改編的電影《險路勿近》囊括奧斯卡四項大獎。

  二○○九年,獲美國筆會頒發索爾貝婁文學終生成就獎。麥卡錫現與妻子Jennifer McCarthy及幼子John Francis McCarthy居於新墨西哥州聖塔菲。

  Cormac McCarthy is the author of ten acclaimed novels, most recently The Road. Among his honors are the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award.

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