In reading this book, I hope you will discover how true it is that we all create our own world. Everything visible or invisible is merely a deceptive dream. Nothing exists unless we create it.
We create new forms and then, unfortunately, we seem compelled to demolish them in order to create others. This pattern will continue on into eternity. But there is no doubt that great ideas,
morality and religion are needed in all our lives; otherwise society would be a chaotic structure. Still, all must be governed by reason.We celebrate certain events that have changed the course
of history and have shaped social structures, yet there are other events of seemingly less significance that have changed the destiny of millions of individuals, the ones that we never hear
about.Once we come to understand the horrible nature of the unnecessary trials endured by common individuals as a result of the "arrogance of power," we will no longer be able to sustain an
apathetic stance. The reality is that even in this 21st century and in many places on this earth today there exists wicked political structures that instigate the unending destructive cycle of
those who seek power for personal gain or identity and those who defiantly oppose it.During the writing of Power and Defiance, I have only doubled my certitude that the law of civilization is
to renew itself and to advance. Those who have the irresistible need to grasp and assimilate whatever they can from their surroundings, making it their own, in order to gain power, to rule the
world if they can, will never persevere. I am convinced that the pitiless law of power-hungry individuals will eventually and always reach an inevitable downfall.It is true that arrogance is a
sin that the universal harmony does not forgive. However, it is also certain that the common rule is destined to engender the annihilation of this destructive power. In seeking to find answers
for the violence and killings that are overwhelming our society today, we seem to want to philosophize, yet we consistently arrive at the same conclusion: the merging of injustice,
discrimination and poverty always creates the powerful ammunition for violence.The primitive need of victimized human beings to rise and demand justice with rifle in hand is well documented
throughout history. I believe that unless the so-called civilized world invests in the education of children who live in hopelessness, they too will grow in darkness. The fate of future
generations depends on our children who are called upon to create a world of their dreams. They will be the ones who will define triumph and despair for humanity.And so, I invite you to explore
with me the "worst and the best" of humanity, politics and democracy as together we discover along the way, that each of us, left, right, religious, agnostic, activist, reactionary, theorists,
conservatives, liberals, civilized, educated, scientists, artists, poor, rich, all of us are searching for the formula of life. A formula that I have no doubt exists.