Locked in jail, a nameless narrator who sign himself as “E” writes a series of letters to his girlfriend, identified only as “T.” Awaiting trial for the murder of his best friend’s father, E
writes to T to explain what happened — and to convince her of his innocence. This unusual collection of letters that cannot be mailed — for fear of corrupting a trial witness — tells the
story of one summer weekend on Red Snake Lake when E takes T to his wealthy high school friend's family cottage. Ted, his friend and host, is self-destructive and criminally-inclined. He
convinces E to get his dad to front them some cash to finance a film. But by Sunday afternoon, Harry is dead, and both Ted and E are facing trials for first degree murder, where T will be the
star witness for the Crown. Duggan's captivating, electric prose simultaneously shocks you and sucks you into E's world.