In the long-awaited sequel to the Ben Franklin Award-winning novel, Night Jazz, the story of Jeri Devlin continues. It's 1932. The Great Depression has left Jeri and Lex bankrupt and Lex
fighting for his life against a deadly illness. While Lex convalesces, Jeri becomes embroiled in a murderous game of cat-and-mouse with two mobsters hell-bent on revenge. Alone and desperate,
Jeri is forced to flee New York and travel west to the dazzling world of Hollywood. Jeri soon discovers that Hollywood's glamour cloaks a soul-stealing darkness hidden just below its glossy
surface. There, Jeri comes face to face with her ancestors, finds sanctuary in a brothel and is forced into servitude with a movie star diva intent on hiding ruinous secrets of her own. Alone
and conflicted, Jeri must find a way back into the arms of the man she loves. Original.