Lima, a former children's librarian, and Thomas, an elementary school librarian, provide a resource for children's librarians for reader's advisory and collection building that lists 13,755
picture books for children in grades preK-2, cataloged under 1,215 subjects, to help them find books for story times, programs, and curricular units; fill gaps in the collection; create topical
booklists; and help parents, children, and teachers find books. The guide begins with a list of subject headings, followed by a subject guide to the books and a guide listing each title with
full bibliographic information. This edition has been revised to focus on titles published from 2000-2009, including classics and popular earlier titles from well-known authors and
illustrators, as well as award winners. It excludes books that are no longer available in school or public libraries and updates titles on contemporary issues like divorce, handicaps, and
illnesses. Indexes list the books by title and illustrator. Libraries Unlimited is an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (