Noted law professor Neven Bose doesn’t do personal, small towns with complex secrets…or women with eyes that speak of second chances.
Nor does she practice law or give legal advice. So when a guilt-ridden Dani Kent appears with a story of infidelity and murder, Neven wants nothing to do with the case—or the woman whose
penetrating gaze threatens to expose her unspoken fears. Neven helps those unfairly convicted, due to inadequate representation or police /prosecutorial misconduct. This case doesn’t fit.
Besides, Neven knows the damage infidelity causes. In Dani’s case, three lives have been either lost or ruined.
When Dani leaves Neven’s office, it should’ve been the end of it. It would’ve been the end of it— if Neven’s philandering ex-wife, the prosecutor who convicted Dani’s friend Laura of
murder—hadn’t demanded that she stay away from the case.
No, Neven doesn’t do personal, small towns with complex secrets, or women with eyes like Dani’s, and yet, she lands on a collision course with all three. The consequence of which could
leave her more than just damaged. It could leave her dead.