"Hullabaloo 2" follows Greg Gilpin's best-selling collection, "A Whole Lotta Hullabaloo" with ten MORE songs that gives you and yourstudents more opportunities to express themselves musically,
physically, and creatively. Each music style is sure to make a body move! Maybe you need a musical treat to reward students for a job well done and dancing and singing their favorite
"Hullabaloo" song is just the ticket! Try the songs as warm-ups. Use them to focus the attention on you, the teacher. Perhaps you can use them to quiet the class. Whether you use these "get up
and movin'" songs for classroom or performance, this BUDGET-STRETCHING unison collection includes REPRODUCIBLE teacher pages as well as an Enhanced StudioTrax CD ROM with accompaniment and
performance tracks, poster, program, and information about the composer! Available: Reproducible unison collection and Enhanced StudioTrax CD. Duration: ca. 20 minutes. For grades K-3.