The MCAT is a test of more than just the facts about basic physical and biological sciences—it’s an in-depth, rigorous examination of your knowledge of scientific concepts and principles, as
well as your critical-thinking and writing skills. With the Princeton Review’s subject-specific MCAT series, you can focus your review on the MCAT topics that are most challenging to you. Each
book in the series contains the most in-depth coverage of subjects tested on the MCAT.
Each chapter in MCAT Organic Chemistry Review includes:
• Full-color illustrations and diagrams
• Examples of organic chemistry questions and their solutions, worked out step by step
• Chapter Review Quizzes and answers
• A real, MCAT-style practice passage with questions and answers
• Bulleted summaries for quick review
MCAT Organic Chemistry Review also includes:
• A complete glossary of organic chemistry terms
• A summary sheet of chemical reactions