This collection brings together forty-five of Oliver’s classic poems and two essays. The award-winning poet considers beasts of all kinds: bears, snakes, spiders, porcupines, humpback
whales, hermit crabs, and, of course, her little dog Percy, who appears and occasionally speaks in thirteen poems.
The Sea Is a Continual Miracle: Sea Poems and Other Writings by Walt Whitman
$2,250 -
Whereas: Poems
$560 -
Fish Singing Foxes
$945 -
The Duende of Tetherball
$663 -
Farewell, My Lovelies
$698 -
The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded: Poems
$558 -
The Fawn Abyss
$810 -
The Woods Are On Fire: New and Selected Poems
$698 -
$630 -
The Sea Is a Continual Miracle: Sea Poems and Other Writings by Walt Whitman
$698 -
Late in the Empire of Men
$558 -
The Matrix: Poems 1960-1970
$700 -
Translating Translating Apollinaire: A Preliminary Report
$558 -
Flowers of Anti-Martyrdom
$770 -
You, Beast
$523 -
Standing Water: Poems
$490 -
XX: Poems for the Twentieth Century
$387 -
Galaxy Love: Poems
$908 -
The Rain in Portugal: Poems
$560 -
Things Seen and Unseen