面對資訊苦多、思緒苦亂,許多書都在教人怎麼增強記憶才不會忘,但這本書要你別再折磨你的腦了。了解人腦、人性的限制,善用科技、學做筆 記,分清事情的 輕重緩急,適時將腦中混亂的資訊與思緒「外包」給身邊的各種工具,並充分利用資訊過濾、搜尋、擷取、分享的技巧,才能在必要時掌握事情脈絡, 快速找出答 案。
別急著埋頭苦幹、別將資訊硬塞進腦中,適度保持大腦淨空,這個時代要學會有技巧的「忘」,才能隨時記起並優先處理當下最重要的事,遇事 從容應對,不再臨危就亂。
Whether it’s a faulty memory, a tendency to multitask, or difficulty managing our time, every one of us has limitations conspiring to keep us from being organized. But, as organizational
guru and former Google CIO Douglas C. Merrill points out, it isn’t our fault. Our brains simply aren’t designed to deal with the pressures and competing demands on our attention in today’s
fast-paced, information-saturated, digital world. What’s more, he says, many of the ways in which our society is structured are outdated, imposing additional chaos that makes us feel
stressed, scattered, and disorganized.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Luckily, we have a myriad of amazing new digital tools and technologies at our fingertips to help us manage the strains on our brains and on our lives;
the trick is knowing when and how to use them. This is why Merrill, who helped spearhead Google’s effort to "organize the world’s information," offers a wealth of tips and strategies for how
to use these new tools to become more organized, efficient, and successful than ever.
But if you’re looking for traditional, rigid, one-size-fits-all strategies for organization, this isn’t the book for you. Instead, Merrill draws on his intimate knowledge of how the brain
works to help us develop fresh, innovative, and flexible systems of organization tailored to our individual goals, constraints, and lifestyles.
From how to harness the amazing power of search, to how to get the most out of cloud computing, to techniques for filtering through the enormous avalanche of information that assaults us at
every turn, to tips for minimizing distractions and better integrating work and life, Getting Organized in the Google Era is chock-full of practical, invaluable, and often counterintuitive
advice for anyone who wants to be more organized and productive–and less stressed--in our 21st-century world.
梅瑞爾 Douglas C. Merrill
Google前任資訊長,曾被美國著名IT雜誌《eWeek》評選為「全球IT業百大最具影響力人物」。2008年加入EMI擔任數位 事業部總裁,並兼任新潮音樂部門的營運長,在進入Google之前,曾任嘉信理財集團資深副總裁。
梅瑞爾自小患有失讀症,數學老是學不好,閱讀上也有障礙,多虧父母耐心陪伴,才逐漸在課業上有起色。因為自身學習歷程太艱辛,梅瑞爾花了許 多時間試圖找 出導致學習障礙的原因,後來在普林斯頓大學取得認知科學博士學位,深知人腦的構造與限制。梅瑞爾從小到大,都在不斷發展各種系統,幫助自己做 事更有組織。
馬丁 James A. Martin
資深撰稿人,為《PC World》、《華盛頓郵報》網路版(Washingtonpost.com)、《旅遊休閒》、《美國娛樂周刊》等 多家報章雜誌 寫稿。馬丁撰寫的主題,以搜尋引擎最佳化和社交媒體居多。也替企業設計網頁內容,使它們的網站更容易讓潛在客戶搜尋到。