A stunning solo that evokes an image of a Bedouin caravan moving slowly through swirling desert sands. This highly effective piece falls into that sought-after category of pieces which sound
hard, but are easy to learn. The R.H. melody stays within the limits of a gapped-scale, 5-finger pattern (C, Db, E, F, G), moving up or down in register for added color; the L.H. imitates the
steady plodding of camels' hooves with an ostinato C - G in half notes. The mysterious mood is set with introductory and closing sections in blocked fifths. Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
Level 3 (Late Elementary/Early Intermediate); 4/4; moderate tempo; good use of register shifts throughout; use of syncopated pedaling; accents; tenuto symbol; dynamics explore the quieter
ranges of sound, from pp through mp.