The essays in this study look at the dissemination of certain books across distance and time. They also consider the places and ways in which books were read and received. Ogborn (geography,
Queen Mary university of London) and Withers (historical geography, University of Edinburgh) provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Essays look at the production of books, from
the steam printing press to a book produced in colonial Bengal that adapted the British style in an effort to change the behavior of the British colonists. The ways in which books circulated is
examined in the leaflets and broadsides printed for general consumption in sixteenth-century Venice, books created as references for international merchants, and how the geography of Varenius
was altered as it passed through many editions. The reader makes the final link in the geography of the book. Articles discuss the reception of travel stories from Africa, books brought to
Africa by Europeans, how a French guide to the flora of America influenced people in both countries, and eaching environmental geography through books. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR (