Legendary garage surf goofs the Phantom Surfers have drawn upon 20 years of experience and observation to provide the inside dope on the dopes of the world of rock: sound people, managers,
booking agents, record labels, other musicians, and every weasel, shark, and thieving magpie in the music industry menagerie. Although this is indeed a riotously funny work, it contains a
great deal of truth and wisdom. Consider these true stories: We know of a young lady who received an advance copy of Rock Stardom for Dumbshits and immediately abandoned her futile
hopes of achieving rock stardom. Today she is a doctor with a lakeside home and two lovely children. We know of a young man who was never exposed to the naked truths contained in this book
and therefore kept slogging away in hopes of achieving stardom. Today he has a heroin habit and lives in a van that will soon be repossessed. Which do you want for the youth of America?