As world travel is growing exponentially, "alternative" travel has grown apace: from ecotourism, gap years, short-term mission trips, cultural travel-study tours, and foreign language study, to
college-level study abroad, "voluntourism," and international service-learning. If you number yourself among this new generation of ethical and educational travelers, this book will help you
make the most of your international experience. It will show you how to broaden your cultural horizons while also making a contribution to your host community. Learn how to make your
international encounter rewarding, authentic, enriching, and learning-oriented!
"Slimbach's words challenge students and international educators to make choices that will foster full cross-cultural engagement in their communities. Addressed directly to students going
abroad, this book discusses both questions of purpose and the practical concerns of students preparing to study overseas. He invites all of us to use our international experiences to make a
difference."---Mell Bolen, President, BCA Study Abroad
"Richard Slimbach has skillfully taken on a gargantuan task in writing a comprehensive guide to global learning. His broad reach to students, volunteers, and other global travelers is held
together by a search for the common good defined as `the healing of a broken world; This is a much needed and valuable resource for both faculty and students engaged in global
learning."---Orval Gingerich, Assistant Vice President of International Programs at Augsburg College
"Becoming World Wise is recommended for students who not only want to connect to the world but who also want to think and act for the world."---J. Michael Adams, President, Fairleigh Dickinson
University, and President-Elect, International Association of University Presidents
"This is the kind of thoughtful, engaging and useful book that we have needed for a long time. It should be read by every educator sending students abroad, every student getting ready to study
abroad, and any adult/professional traveler who wants to become a mindful traveler and a global citizen."---Adam Weinberg, President and CEO, World Learning
"This engagingly written book provides helpful guidance to anyone going on an educational, service or mission trip abroad, and guidance in how to make the experience an optimum learning
experience. Rich in anthropological and sociological insight, this is the perfect book for those who wish to combine travel with learning and service."---Robert J. Priest, Director, PhD Program
in Intercultural Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School