This is a five-volume presentation of the proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals, which was held in October of 2008 and
sponsored by Southwest Jiatong U. in China, the North America China Overseas Transportation Association, and the Transportation & Development Institute of the American Society of Civil
Engineers. The proceedings consist of some 700 manuscripts organized according to the conference sessions and subject areas: transportation and logistics policy and strategy, supply chain and
transport operation and management, logistic and transport information and technology, planning methodology and simulation models, infrastructure and equipment, and urban platform for logistics
and public transportation. Examples of specific topics discussed by the papers would include game-theory based analysis and research of the urban traffic demand management model and underlying
problems, optimal ordering policy for perishable commodities with loss-averse preference, optimal design of railway container terminal's gate based on fuzzy queuing model, research on optimal
weight of rail express train under random freight flow, comparative study of logistics service quality dimensions in the British and Chinese online retail markets, discrete work trip
distribution model for commuters, and simulation and evaluation of a freeway system with combined on-ramp control and variable speed limits. Annotation 穢2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR