512 photos. Largest/biggest book on the market (400 pages, size 10x8.big format.)There is no other book like it! Comprehensive,illustrated, documented,explosive! Movie stars-heroes & role
models who in real life are the scum of the earth. Their names (Males & Females, past & present) nymphomaniacs, homosexuals,lesbians,junkies,drugs addicts, rapists,suicidal,felons &
murderers. Their double lives,shady deals,arrests,convictions & mug shots (Larry King,Al Pacino,Bill Gates, Suzanne Somers,Steve McQueen. F. Sinatra, etc.) Name of the women & stars
Kennedy slept with. Hollywood repulsive moguls, producers, directors. Greatest scandals in Hollywood's history, past & present. Stars naked ambition.Stars insanity,wild sex parties,orgies,
& obsession with money, greed, fame & power, & who are they? How they did it, when, how, & with whom? Their names, enter their donjons, & learn everything about their most
repulsive life style & way of life. Hollywood's most tragic events, suicides, murders, cover-ups, conspiracies,human drama, & how some of the biggest stars ended their career &
life, penniless & homeless in the streets & dark alleys. Check a new book by Lafayette: "Hollywood's Most Horrible People, Stars, Times, and Scandals"