See the world through the eyes of a delightful dragon named Danny! His adventures and interactions in this enchanting children's series excite the imagination. The first story, Danny the Dragon
Meets Jimmy, is filled with vivid sound effects and a captivating storyline, leaving readers with a smile, while ever so subtly highlighting kindness, positive social interactions and sharing,
in a fun, kid-friendly way. Summed up by the ��hildren's Bookwatch��of the Midwest Book Review: "Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy has definite attraction and value for children age 4-8, all of whom
will undoubtedly beg for the sequel and more tales of Danny the Dragon.��The book is hailed by school principals, teachers, celebrities, Children's Literature Specialists and Authors as "a
gentle story" and "a delight"; and publicized at as being "a wonderful book to read to young children..." and "...accompanied by really beautiful drawings which will
sparkle the imagination."