Frommer’s Vietnam
定價:805 元
NT $ 805
- 作者:Pham,Sherisse
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2010-02-02
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0470526602
- ISBN13:9780470526606
- 裝訂:平裝 / 472頁 / 3.2 x 12.7 x 20.3 cm / 普通級
Our author gives you all the details on the latest happenings in Vietnam, from the debuts of new boutique hotels to the downfalls of once-popular restaurants.
She's scoped out the hip new places, and offers candid advice on which are really worth your time and budget.
You'll also get up-to-date coverage of attractions and nightlife; accurate walking tours; advice on planning a successful vacation; and in-depth coverage of Angkor Wat in the final
Cambodia chapter.