
NT $ 680


Eleven-year-old Polly Peabody knows her family�'s world-famous rhubarb farm is magical. The plants taste like chocolate, jewels appear in the soil, bugs talk to her, and her best friend is a rhubarb plant named Harry. But the most magical thing is that every single Monday, at exactly 1:00, it rains. Until the Monday when the rain just stops. Now it�'s up to Polly to figure out why���nd whether her brother�'s mysterious illness and her glamorous aunt Edith�'s sudden desire to sell the farm have anything to do with it. Most of all, Polly has to make it start raining again before it�'s too late. Her brother�'s life, the plants�' survival, and her family�'s future all depend on it.

K. D. Van Cleve has woven an unforgettable comingof- age tale with all the heart and wonder of a Roald Dahl novel.

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