Braine (Chinese U. of Hong Kong) has 40-plus years of experience teaching and researching in the field of English as a second/foreign language. His 1999 anthology, Non-native Educators in
English Language Teaching, is considered the forerunner of the non-native speaker (NNS) English educators' movement to counter the discrimination faced by these teachers and champion their
causes. His current book--the first single-authored volume on the topic of nonnative speaker English teachers--describes the growth of the movement over the past decade; summarizes the research
that has been conducted, particularly in the areas of self-perceptions and student perceptions of NNS English teachers; highlights the challenges faced by nonnative speaker teachers; and
promotes their professional growth. For academics, researchers, and undergraduate and graduate students in TESOL, world Englishes, and sociolinguistics courses. Annotation 穢2010 Book News,
Inc., Portland, OR (