The second edition of Collecting Costume Jewelry 202: the basics of dating jewelry 1935 - 1980 will not disappoint collectors. More than just a fresh new cover, this updated edition is
bursting with material not seen before. The charts listing the design patent numbers have been replaced by over 2,300 selected design patent drawings organized in easy-to-reference groups.
Over 200 new and updated photographs have been added, including an expanded section on Boucher jewelry. Some of the mystery about Regency Jewels is revealed through an interesting and
informative interview with the nephew of Raymond Albertieri who managed every aspect of Regency Jewels from the late 1940s through 1972. Already packed with 160 vintage advertisements, this
new edition includes a dozen additional ads for makers like Ciner, Boucher, Haskell, Bogoff, Trifari, Mazer, Castlecliff, Whiting and Davis, and Judy Lee. Every value in the book has been
reviewed and updated. The second edition of Collecting Costume Jewelry 202 is significantly different from the first, so much so, collectors will want to keep both versions in their reference
Julia Carroll
Julia Carroll has been collecting costume jewelry for over 12 years. She taught computer science for many years, and at that time very few published materials were available to teach young
children, so she frequently wrote her own lessons. She used this skill in trying to teach others about collecting costume jewelry.