Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in China

Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in China
NT $ 5,175


This book provides an analysis of the existing, economic dynamics and factors contributing to entrepreneurship in China. Featuring contributions from prominent authors such as Zoltan Acs, and Jian Gao it first poses a theoretical question of whether entrepreneurship exists in China and, if so, the extent and form it takes. It also examines whether the nature of entrepreneurship in China differs elsewhere. Following this investigation, empirical tests and analyses focus on important issues such as: What is the special value of entrepreneurship in China? Does entrepreneurship in China drive economic growth like it does in other more market-oriented economies? What is entrepreneurship in China like? What is its history, nature, environment, and what are some of the underlying diversities or challenges it is facing? Assuming entrepreneurship in China is important to economic growth, how can public policy help to enhance the entrepreneurship milieu in China? Finally, based on the empirical findings and potential policy implications, future directions of investigation are suggested.
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