
Authored by Stabler (U. of Reading, UK), Papatheodorou (U. of the Aegean, Greece), and the late Sinclair (formerly of the U. of Nottingham Business School, UK), this text introduces readers to the economics of tourism. It discusses basic concepts, principles, and analytical methodologies and techniques; provides guidance to the wider literature; and examines trends in the tourism sector while assessing their significance. Eleven chapters discuss the microeconomic foundations of tourism demand, empirical studies of tourism demand, microeconomic foundations of tourism supply, the economic profile and characteristics of the tourism sectors, tourism in a national and regional context, tourism in an international context, global environmental issues and tourism, the analysis of tourism environmental issues at the local level, the valuation of resources and environmental policy instruments, and future directions in the economics of tourism. This new edition has been revised and expanded to reflect developments in the field over the past 12 years. Annotation 穢2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
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