Organizational Communication, Third Edition, provides a lively, engaging overview of the principles and practices of organizational communication. Using familiar, real-world examples
and interviews with actual practitioners that help students connect theory to practice, Alan Jay Zaremba illuminates themes of systems, culture, power, and skills and demonstrates how they
relate to organizational communication and organizational communicators.
Fully updated and revised throughout, the third edition features:
* Expanded treatment of theoretical foundations
* Greater focus on how gender, culture, diversity, globalization, and power impact communication networks
* Streamlined coverage of written and oral communications
* Substantially updated discussions of intercultural communication; crisis communication; communication auditing; emerging careers for organizational communication practitioners; new
technologies; social networking; and ethical issues (with more emphasis on feminist perspectives)
Highly accessible and student-friendly, Organizational Communication also offers more illustrations, hands-on practice, andpedagogical features than any other text in
its market:
* "Case Studies" boxes open each chapter with relevant, real-world scenarios of organizational communication. Questions at the end of each box get students making
* "Practitioner Perspectives" boxes--found at the end of each chapter--present interviews with women and men in many roles in different organizations.
* "Ethical Probes" boxes ask students to consider moral problems and respond to questions about organizational communication issues.
* "Apply the Principles" boxes challenge students to apply principles to a potentially pressing situation.
* Extensive review features include the opening "Chapter in a Nutshell," summary "Toolboxes," and varied exercises that encourage group and role play.
Featuring a thoughtful balance of theory and practice, Organizational Communication, Third Edition, provides students with the skills necessary to succeed in a world where
communication forms the basis of all organizational activity.