Success in careers outside the university setting depends on an individuals capacity to master professional skills and respond appropriately to dynamic situations with flexibility, adaptation,
and innovative thinking. This book describes a simple, common sense method of how to include professional skills training in any curricula without compromising academic rigor. It relies on
introduction of unanticipated yet manageable crises simulating scenarios commonly experienced in the workplace. The method promises to inspire both students and their teachers to conquer new
territory outside their comfort zones. Examples include how to respond to a demand for innovation and teamwork, a lay-off, a reorganization, or switching jobs and projects. These situations are
bound to occur for most people and in most jobs they often create stress and, perhaps, despair. Preparing and practicing a mindful and healthy response is beneficial, and now this process can
be performed in the classroom, while it serves as a platform for character building prior to unexpected real-life events.