The world of science is often described as magical — but is magic itself scientific? You bet! Award-winning author Helaine Becker teams up with illustrator Claudia Dávila once again to
unleash her special brand of humor and facts on young readers. This time around, the duo reveals the science hidden in magic tricks! Becker uses dozens of activities to show how the world of
magic manipulates simple scientific principles of illusion and perception to leave audiences baffled. Each activity has been tested, and is clearly explained and designed to provide quick
results using a handful of common household materials. A "What’s Going On?" feature accompanies each activity, so whether kids are mystified by a bouncing apple, spun about by an incredible
optical illusion, or making spaghetti mysteriously come alive, they always know the science that's at work behind each trick. Whether a science nut or a casual observer looking for amazement,
readers find that Magic Up Your Sleeve does the trick.